Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan Site
American Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan Association
The equivalent of the Amicale on the other side of the Atlantic
Info, explanations, addresses of associations ...
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Taiwan Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan Association
The equivalent of our Amicale in Taiwan ... in the China Sea
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European College of Teachers of Yangjia Michuan Taiji Quan
Group of Ymtjq teachers for the improvement of pedagogy
and the homogeneity of the teaching of our style.
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Yen-nien Daoguan
The Taipei site
His shop to order Master Wang's books and DVDs
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New York Yangjia Michuan Taijiquan
Another American site on the east coast, info on Robert Politzer's school, other links ...
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Robert Burt website
Site that presents everything that is done on video in our style
Autres sites
Classical arts of TAO
Site with lots of documentation on Tao culture.
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Faemc: Federation of Chinese Energetic and Martial Arts
Its purpose is to promote and organize the development of Chinese energy and martial arts in France in all their forms, styles and schools. It is the only federation which has the delegation of the sports ministry.
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http://jeuxepee.over-blog.com /
The site of the Sword and Weapons Games. Events Annual meetings and seminars.
Association of French-speaking Switzerland bringing together teachers of tai chi and qi gong for the elderly.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Xian Wuguan Center
A place for the organization of internships